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Showing posts from April, 2018

Test Your Code With Your User Stories - Behavior Driven Development

When we are designing a new system, one of the tools we use is user stories.  User stories allow us to define what the feature should do from the view point of the end user.  This way we take a user centered approach to designing the system.  These are also used as part of our functional testing when writing code (plugin, JavaScript, etc.) to make sure what was written matches the user story.  Even if we use Test Driven Development (TDD) we could easily miss some of the key functions within the feature and need to go back to our code to make changes and then restart our testing process.  This can be time consuming.  Wouldn't it be better to start our testing off with the user story? With advancements in frameworks and technology we now have the capability to write test scripts directly from the user story using SpecFlow .  Taking this approach is known as Behavior Driven Development (BDD) because we are testing the users interactions instead of just data and functions.  This beco

SCRIBE Online April 2018 Update is Here!!!

On April 6th, 2018 Scribe released an update to SCRIBE Online.  You can read all the details of the changes  here .  In this post about the update, I want to go over some of the stuff I have seen while working with this new update, and it's an AMAZING update to the platform.  Here are my highlights: Performance  -  There does appear to be improvement to how well the platform functions in Chrome (Chrome is my primary browser).  Previously, I did have some performance issues in Chrome and on larger map's I would have to dump my cache or exit chrome and re-launch to speed it back up again (not always the case, but did need done from time to rime).  This appears to be eliminated for me.  I can clearly see marked improvements when it comes to lag and performance.  *See bullet point 4 under Platform which is under Enhancements. Agent Request Logs  - Users now have the ability to request the logs from the agent without logging into the server where the agent is installed to get